
The Frontiers team at YU is a collection of unique and fearless frontliners on a mission to carry out God's will throughout the city.

The Frontiers team is home to a diverse group of ministries, spread across the GTA, each comprised of 1 or 2 staff members. Also acting as a ministry incubator, it is the place where ministries that are new to YU find support and structure as they grow into self-sustaining programs.

Frontier Initiatives

Community Outreach

Bridletowne Community Outreach - Sports and mentoring outreach for young people (ages 10-24) in the Chester Le/Bridletowne Circle community.
Oshawa Outreach -
BlessUP - A texting initiative created and designed to uplift and encourage participants through carefully crafted texts.
South Etobicoke Community Outreach - Soccer league and program along with mentoring, leadership training for young people in the South Central Etobicoke community.

Trips & Camps & Events

Anchor Point 3D Archery - A unique, character-building archery course experience for youth.
Project Serve - Local and international service project opportunities for teams of youth designed to educate and equip young people to serve God and others.

Critical Care

Prison Visits - Supportive visits for youth involved in the criminal justice system.
Compassion Series - Multifaceted social justice program designed to inspire, challenge and educate children and youth, and to support and encourage parents and educators.
Re Routed - Counselling (in-person & virtual) for teens, young adults and families provided by a Registered Psychotherapist.

Marketplace Initiatives

Stepping Stones Property Services - Social enterprise program offering life skills development, on-the-job trades training, paid employment in a professional property services setting and in supported placement with partnering employers.


Join the Frontiers Team

If you're interested in joining early stage ministry development, we're hiring for a few new roles. Check out our job openings.

Four men leaning against back of a truck carrying tree branches

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