Safe Space, Grace and Patience Lived Out at The Shop Recently, I was detailing a car with one of the youth in our program named Jared*. Jared is only fifteen, the youngest age we accept into our …
Young Adults Envision Goals and Hopes at Light Patrol's Hotel Program At last month's hotel program run by YU's Light Patrol, we had a good turnout with ten youth joining us despite the long gap since our Christmas …
Young Dads' Experience Freedom in Healthy Self-Image Through Story-Listening at 25th Celebration Our recent Young Parents 25th anniversary celebration was such a memorable evening that really highlighted the goodness of God. One of them was a …
JOPI Inspire Experiences for Youth's Clear Purpose I sat happily at work on my laptop on a Saturday. Why? I’m feeling inspired! A few weeks ago, I attended the youth group meeting of a church in the J …
Gathering Together & Giving Thanks The Light Patrol team had a full house last week with 25 youth from their hotel program joining in for a Thanksgiving celebration! The team of …
Moving Towards a Clear Purpose Through Jane-Finch Tutoring A young woman has been involved with several of YU's Jane-Finch programs over the past few years, accessing various supports and volunteering with …
Food and Culture Connect Towards Growing Healthy Relationships Away From Home It all started with a conversation. Tina*, who recently moved here from Kenya, was telling me how much she missed her culture and food, specifically …
Restoring Dignity in the Identity of a Young Mom Shame plays a big part in the stories of our young moms. When the world has looked down on them with judgement, our heart's desire is for these young …
The Power of Presence My 19 year old friend, Ben*, was connected to us by a referral from another organization, as he was moving out with a partner in January 2021. Born …